made here. feel good. |
Leonardo Leiva
Born and raised in Honduras in a family of experienced life-loving individuals, Leonardo's work includes drawing, furniture, fashion, and lighting/exhibition design.
Born and raised in Honduras in a family of experienced life-loving individuals, Leonardo's work includes drawing, furniture, fashion, and lighting/exhibition design.
Cubino - Leonardo Leiva
$180 -pvc / $500-copper
10"h x 10"w x 10.5"d / 8"h x 8"w x 8.5"d
copper tubing, rubber coating
Cubino is a unique gift that will add character to any space, no matter how busy or empty it is. Cubino Candy is appropriately scaled for being set on desks, shelves, tables, or the floor. The 25-watt incandescent bulb does not over-heat or burn if touched. Plug in your Cubino, switch it on, and enjoy its soft light and captivating shadows! pvc colors- green, blue, pink, yellow (pastel) / copper rubber colors - blue, black, red, yellow Designed by Leonardo Leiva R
$180 -pvc / $500-copper
10"h x 10"w x 10.5"d / 8"h x 8"w x 8.5"d
copper tubing, rubber coating
Cubino is a unique gift that will add character to any space, no matter how busy or empty it is. Cubino Candy is appropriately scaled for being set on desks, shelves, tables, or the floor. The 25-watt incandescent bulb does not over-heat or burn if touched. Plug in your Cubino, switch it on, and enjoy its soft light and captivating shadows! pvc colors- green, blue, pink, yellow (pastel) / copper rubber colors - blue, black, red, yellow Designed by Leonardo Leiva R
718 218 8666
[email protected]
copyright © 2017 Voos Furniture - all rights reserved.
April 12, 2017
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